Monday, April 18, 2011

10 Week Appointment! Consulta de 10 Semanas!

Today we had our 10-week appointment.  It was so exciting...we heard the baby's heartbeat.  It was so loud and strong!  What an incredible moment it was.  No new pictures though...we will have one in 2 weeks.  Doctor said everything looks good so far. 

Hoje nos tivemos uma consulta com a medica (estou de 10 semanas).  Foi muito emocionante...nos ouvimos o batimento cardiaco do baby.  O coracaozinho batia tao forte! Foi um momento maravilhoso.  Ainda nao tenho novas fotos...mas terei fotos em duas semanas.  A medica disse que esta' tudo indo bem por enquanto.



1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl but that is still 8 weeks away :(. I hope you're feeling better! Just a few more weeks until the first trimester is over. Hang in there. Love, Steph
