Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's a girl! E' uma menininha!

Here is a picture at almost 20 weeks for you guys to see. Steph was right!  She was the only one that guessed girl :)

Aqui esta' uma foto da nene com quase 20 semanas para voces verem. A Steph estava certa...ela foi a unica que achava que era menina :)


  1. Neato! I can't wait to meet her. (love the fingers!)

  2. :) I'm so excited, I already have shopping trips and vacations with her planned in my head! She's going to be so much fun. My very first niece. Mike and I are so happy for you guys, we can't wait to meet her.

  3. gabi & danny this is so exciting!!! thiago had told me that you two had this blog, and i was just straightening out some papers on our desk and stumbled across the name of your blog that thiago had written down...and IT"S A GIRL!!! i am so happy for you- sua menininha & your bump look so beautiful, what an awesome experience..! take lots of pictures and keep on recording your preggo adventures.
    mil beijos para vocês tres,
    megan & thiago
